The Product Bank allows you to create an internal product bank of reusable goods, accessible to everyone in your organization - you can create your own digital reuse hub. The Product Bank makes it easy to find available reusables, where they are, in what quantities and when they are available. You can also inventory to CCBuild for specific inventory projects.
Inventory your goods easily and conveniently with our inventory app and mark with QR code. It is synchronized with the Product Bank and Marketplace (in Swedish).
On the marketplace you can buy and sell building materials, furnishings and other products. You can also find operators offering circular services and post and monitor products. Your organization can choose to publish publicly and accessible to everyone or only visible to logged-in users linked to the organization.
Through our value analysis, you can get a climate valuation for your inventoried products, estimate the economic value and track inventoried and reused quantities. Via the link, you can access a public value analysis for all inventoried products - your own value analysis for your inventoried products can be found when you log in to the product bank (in Swedish).
Read about our digital collaborations through integration with different partners (in Swedish).
CCBuild creates cooperation by providing a national arena for collaboration, local clusters and cooperation with other actors (in Swedish).
Find reused goods for sale and circular services on the Marketplace.